Senin, 10 Mei 2010

How to make a banner with Adobe Photoshop 7

Photoshop7 open, click File - New or press Ctrl-N, denan WH sizes (Width-Height) = 80-15 see picture below:

Of course with such a small size we are not easy to do. To be easy, right click on the screen display was directed to Fit on Sreen, See the picture:

Then Ctrl-A to block the entire screen display before, then do the Border on Screen Display'd use Select - Modify - Border with Width: 2Pixles, see picture:

Then do the coloring on the screen (what color aja), see examples:

To work within a screen, do the Create new screen or press Ctrl-J, see picture:

By coloring in the black lines above my examplize earlier (do coloring beberapakali) to full color on the banner, I normally do seven times, see the example picture below:

Then Ctrl-D to remove the select lines in the screen earlier.

Many people give their own logo dibanner, there is also a direct use bannernya text depending on individual tastes.

back to the tutor, then give the line on the banner which had been designed earlier, see the following picture:

Filling text Press-T from your keyboard and then point at your work screen. See the picture below:

Andan For those who have their own logos do press Ctrl-O or point your mouse on the menu such as File-Open ...

Andan For those who do not already have your own logo, see the previous tutorial!
(I use my own logo) See picture:

To view the results of which we have deisgn right click on the display screen of our work, and select Actual fixels, such as the following picture:

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