Senin, 10 Mei 2010

lirik lagu my chemical romance helena

Long ago
Just like the hearse you die to get in again
We are so far from you

Burning on just like a match you strike to incinerate
The lives of everyone you know
And what’s the worst you take (worst you take)
From every heart you break (heart you break)
And like the blade you stain (blade you stain)
Well I’ve been holding on tonight

What’s the worst thing I could say?
Things are better if I say
So long and goodnight
So long and goodnight

Came a time
When every star fall brought you to tears again
We are the very hurt you sold
And what’s the worst you take (worst you take)
From every heart you break (heart you break)
And like the blade you stain (blade you stain)
Well I’ve been holding on tonight

What’s the worst thing I could say?
Things are better if I say
So long and goodnight
So long and goodnight
And if you carry on this way
Things are better if I say
So long and goodnight
So long and goodnight

Can you hear me?
Are you near me?
Can we pretend to leave and then
We’ll meet again
When both our cars collide?

What’s the worst thing I could say?
Things are better if I say
So long and goodnight
So long and goodnight
And if you carry on this way
Things are better if I say
So long and goodnight
So long and goodnight

How to make a banner with Adobe Photoshop 7

Photoshop7 open, click File - New or press Ctrl-N, denan WH sizes (Width-Height) = 80-15 see picture below:

Of course with such a small size we are not easy to do. To be easy, right click on the screen display was directed to Fit on Sreen, See the picture:

Then Ctrl-A to block the entire screen display before, then do the Border on Screen Display'd use Select - Modify - Border with Width: 2Pixles, see picture:

Then do the coloring on the screen (what color aja), see examples:

To work within a screen, do the Create new screen or press Ctrl-J, see picture:

By coloring in the black lines above my examplize earlier (do coloring beberapakali) to full color on the banner, I normally do seven times, see the example picture below:

Then Ctrl-D to remove the select lines in the screen earlier.

Many people give their own logo dibanner, there is also a direct use bannernya text depending on individual tastes.

back to the tutor, then give the line on the banner which had been designed earlier, see the following picture:

Filling text Press-T from your keyboard and then point at your work screen. See the picture below:

Andan For those who have their own logos do press Ctrl-O or point your mouse on the menu such as File-Open ...

Andan For those who do not already have your own logo, see the previous tutorial!
(I use my own logo) See picture:

To view the results of which we have deisgn right click on the display screen of our work, and select Actual fixels, such as the following picture:

version english flash

Step 1:

Create a layer with the following composition:



Give a black color in the background and add text on layers text_1 "How to Make Tempeh". Change text to movie clip (F8) that can be controlled easily. Insert the frame on the frame 2 layer background.

Step two:

Definition of the word "next" and then turned into buttons (F8). Sample text and button position:


Step 3:

Right-click on Frame 1 actions ataun layer press F9, then add the script stop.


Step 4:

Right-click the next button -> Actions (F9), add the following script:

on (release) (gotoAndPlay (2);


Figure 2 explains the frame 2, because if this button is clicked, it will be headed to the frame 2.

Step 5:
Add one layer with a text_2.

Step 6:

Insert keyframe (F6) on frame 2 layer text_2, then write "Here are the steps to make tempeh: ff". Change text to movie clips.

Step 7:

Insert keyframe (F6) on frame 2 next layer, so that the next button go to frame 2. then change the script becomes:

on (release) (gotoAndPlay (3);


Figure 3 describes the frame 3, because if this button is clicked, it will be heading into the third frame.

Step eight:

Add the previous layer -> insert keyframe (F6) in Frame 2 -> for previous posts -> Convert to Symbol (F8) -> Buttons

Step 9:

Right-click the previous button -> Actions (F9), add the following script:

on (release) (gotoAndPlay (1);


Figure 1 describes the frame 1, because if this button is clicked, it will go to frame 1.

Step 10:

Insert keyframe (F6) on frame 2 acttions layer, then add the script: stop ();

Press Ctrl + Enter (Test Movie) or Enter (Play)

Following the final position of the layer:

version english gothic

GO † † † HIC
Emanate Gothic Goth said ..
Goth is a Germanic tribe east. living along the Baltic ..
Sbuah dperkuat Gothic novel with the publication of "Gothic Fiction"
Gothic Fiction: Gothic fiction (sometimes referred to as a gothic horror) is a literary genre that combines elements of both horror and romance. As a genre, it is generally believed to have been visited by the English writer Horace Walpole, in 1764 with the novel "The Castle of Otranto."

Effects Gothic fiction depends on the appearance of terror, an extension of literacy Romantic enjoyment relatively new at the time of Walpole's novel. Melodrama, and parodies (including self-parody) of other long-established feature of the gothic initiated by Walpole. Splendidly gothic literature is related to Gothic Revival architecture of the same era. In a similar way to the gothic revivalists' rejection of the clarity and rationalism of the Neoclassical style that enlightened establishment, the gothic literary award that embodies a very emotional joys, the thrills of fearfulness and awe inherent in the smoothing, and a quest for atmosphere. The ruins of gothic buildings gave raises many emotions connected by representing the inevitable damage and collapse of human creations-thus encouraged to add fake ruins in England as eyecatchers garden landscaping. British gothic writer often associated medieval buildings with what they see as a dark and terrifying period, characterized by the hard laws enforced by torture, and with mysterious, fantastic and superstitious rituals. In literature such as the Anti-Catholicism has a European dimension with the Catholic excesses such as the Inquisition (in southern European countries like Italy and Spain).

Prominent features of gothic fiction include terror (both physical and psychic), the mystery, the occult, ghosts, haunted Gothic architecture and houses, castles, darkness, death, damage, doubles, madness, secrets and hereditary curses.

Stock characters of Gothic fiction include tyrants, villains, bandits, Maniacs, Byronic heroes, persecuted maidens, Femmes fatales, madwomen, sorcerer, vampires, werewolves, monsters, demons, angels, fallen angels, the beauty and the beast, revenants, ghosts, perambulating skeletons, the Wandering Jew, and the Devil himself.

Gothic Music Starts growth in `70's, and in the Publish th. `80 Years ..
it is true .. This music is taken element dr death .. because this genre of heavy-metal dkembangkan dr .. and mezzo-soprano voice use. . .
Gothic sub-genre too much, among others, Black / Gothic Metal, Dark Gothic Metal, Electro Gothic, Extreme Gothic Metal, gothic, gothic doom metal, gothic metal, gothic rock, Gothic Vampire, Horror Gothic Metal, Melodic Gothic Metal, Gothic Symphony , Gothic Progressive Metal ..

profil vierra


† GO†Hic †
Gothic BerasaL dr kata Goth..
Goth Adalah Suku Jermanik timur. yang hidup di sepanjang BALtik..
Gothic dperkuat dengan diterbitkannya sbuah novel yaitu "GOTHIC FICTION"
Gothic Fiction: Gothic fiksi (kadang-kadang disebut sebagai gothic horror) adalah genre sastra yang menggabungkan unsur-unsur baik dan horror romance. Sebagai genre, secara umum diyakini telah dikunjungi oleh penulis Inggris Horace Walpole, 1764 dengan novel "The Castle dari Otranto."

Efek Gothic fiksi tergantung pada penampilan jenis teror, sebuah perpanjangan Romantic keaksaraan kenikmatan yang relatif baru pada saat novel Walpole's. Sandiwara sensasi dan parodi (termasuk diri parodi) yang lainnya sudah lama berdiri fitur dari gothic diprakarsai oleh Walpole. Dgn baik sekali sastra gothic adalah terkait dengan arsitektur Gothic Revival era yang sama. Dengan cara serupa dengan Gothic revivalists' penolakan dari kejelasan dan rasionalisme dari neoclassical gaya yang mendapat penerangan-penerangan Pembentukan, maka sastra gothic embodies sebuah penghargaan yang sangat joys emosi, yang thrills dari fearfulness dan kekaguman melekat di menghaluskan, dan quest untuk suasana. Dengan reruntuhan bangunan Gothic memberi menimbulkan banyak emosi dihubungkan oleh mewakili pasti terjadi kerusakan dan runtuh-ciptaan manusia sehingga mendorong untuk menambah palsu reruntuhan di Inggris sebagai eyecatchers lansekap taman. Inggris gothic penulis bangunan abad pertengahan sering dikaitkan dengan apa yang mereka melihat sebagai masa gelap dan mengerikan, dicirikan oleh undang-undang keras enforced oleh penyiksaan, dan dengan misterius, fantastis, dan bertakhyul ritual. Dalam literatur seperti Anti-Catholicism memiliki dimensi Eropa dengan Katolik excesses seperti Inkuisisi (di bagian selatan negara-negara Eropa seperti Itali dan Spanyol).

Menonjol fitur gothic fiksi termasuk teror (baik fisik dan psikis), misteri, yang gaib, ghosts, haunted arsitektur Gothic dan rumah-rumah, istana, kegelapan, kematian, kerusakan, ganda, kegilaan, rahasia, dan kutukan turun temurun.

Stok karakter dari gothic fiksi termasuk tyrants, villains, bandits, maniacs, Byronic pahlawan, dianiaya maidens, femmes fatales, madwomen, ahli sihir, vampires, werewolves, monsters, iblis, malaikat, malaikat jatuh, keindahan dan binatang, revenants, ghosts , perambulating skeletons, yang Wandering Yahudi, dan Devil dirinya.

Music Gothic Mulai berkembang di tahun 70`an , dan di Publikasikan th. 80`an..
memang benar.. Music ini di ambil dr unsur kematian.. karna genre ini dkembangkan dr Heavy-metaL.. dan menggunakan mezzo-sopran voice . . .
sub-genre gothic juga banyak antara lain, Black/Gothic metaL,Dark Gothic MetaL,Electro gothic,Extreme gothic Metal,Gothic,gothic doom metal,gothic metal,Gothic rock,Gothic Vampire,Horror gothic Metal,Melodic Gothic metal,Gothic Symphoni,gothic Progressive Metal..